Monday, April 7, 2008

34 Hour Restart

I figured I'd be here in Council Bluffs for the weekend. At least it was a nice day (65 degrees) and I made the 34 hour restart time so I'll be starting with 70 hours available. For those of you not familiar with the DOT Hours of Service rules a restart is just that. You have a 8 day week, 70 hours available. Each day you can't drive more than 11 hours and be on duty more than 14 hours. You can split log to extend that, but it's too complicated to explain here. It would take all night and no one would understand it. I'm not sure all the time that I do either.

Anyway, the 34 hour restart means that you are off duty or in the sleeper berth for 34 straight hours. Then you start off with a new 70 hours available. It's like those that work a 5 day week with the weekend off. Since expedite freight is slow to non-existant on the weekends, it's easy most of the time to reset.

Turned cold after the sun went down and is presently in the 30's. I checked the boards and I'm the only straight truck in IA and NE so I should have a decent chance of getting a load today.

Haven't been here before, so I don't know how the Omaha board moves. I'd like to get out of the IA-IL rut though.


GoldieLocks said...

I am learning this truck driver stuff as my husband just became a truck driver. Is there a way to not have a 34 hour restart?

Wolfeman said...

The standard log book is run on a 70 hour/8 day week. There is a column on the log page that shows the hours worked for the past 7 days. Say for example they total 65 hours. Then for the 8th (or current) day you have only 5 hours available to work. You can run for those 5 hours and then shut down for the rest of the day, or do a restart to zero the clock.

If you worked the 5 hours and shut down, the next day you would pick up whatever hours you worked on day 1. If you worked 10 hours on day 1, then you would have 10 hours available for the current day. This process repeats each day, so if you gain enough hours each day to complete your current day, you wouldn't have to do a 34 hour restart.

The restart zeros the clock and you start over with 70 hours. If you only work 8 hours a day, you could run without doing a restart.

The company your husband drives for should have given him all the info he needs to fill out his logs. Have him show you a few of his log pages and it will make it easier to understand. It's hard to explain until you've done it for yourself.