Saturday, November 24, 2007

Chores at Home

Freight is pretty slow right now with the holiday and all, so I decided to stay home until Monday and take care of some projects I've been putting off.

Going to replace the carpet in one of the bedrooms today, and clean out one side of the garage so I can get my Dodge Ram Rumble Bee in so it won't sit out in the winter weather. May take more than one day to do all of this, but we'll see.

Will be getting the truck ready to roll as well, doing some laundry and such. Plan to leave the first of the week when a load comes up and staying out until just before Christmas if the freight holds. Would like to have a strong December so we can start the new year on a roll.

Second truck is doing great and I hope to increase my trucks income now that the family situations that kept me home recently have been pretty much cleared up. Plus, I just need to get out of here. I need some solitude to get into the Christmas spirit, and the road has been calling.