Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Deja Vu

What's that old saying? Best laid plans of mice and men? I can't speak for the mice, but my plan got shot to hell yesterday morning in a dogfight.

Yeah, quite literally a dogfight. I had taken everything over to the International Sunday with the exception of food. My plan was to call the fleet coordinator Monday morning and get on the board. Yeah, right.

Wife had to leave early to take her Mom to the doctor, so as she was leaving she opened the bedroom door. Dog #1 jumps on the bed startling sleeping dog #2 who was on the bed with me. I was sound asleep as well. Dog #2 jumps up snapping at dog #1 and a screaming fight ensues and they fall to the floor. With my reflexes being what they are, I came up off the bed and landed on top of them before wife could take a step. I moved so fast that I tore the top sheet and comforter completely off the bed. I was still asleep when I moved.

Somewhere in the process I sort of woke up and saw that dog #1 is chewing on dog #2's ear. Grabbed #1's jaw with my left hand and started slapping the side of her face with guess what? Yeah, my RIGHT hand. I think I startled both of them enough for jaws to open and the fight was over.

Adrenalin is a wonderful thing until it wears off. By now I was fully awake, and fully aware that my shoulder was the one now screaming. Yeah, it popped again and now I am right back where I was last Saturday, ice and pain killers. I guess I'll be here after all when the brace shows up today. I've consoled myself all day with the fact that freight is still slow and I probably wouldn't have gotten a load today anyway. Needless to say, both dogs are in the proverbial doghouse.

Sprinter #1
Waukesha, WI to Detroit, MI

Sprinter #2
Bonused to Pittsburgh, PA

Sprinter #3
Mossville, IL to Lansing, MI