Thursday, July 17, 2008

Drowning in Red Tape

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate the state of Ohio??? If not, I HATE THE STATE OF OHIO. There, I feel better.

Temp tags on Sprinter #3 expire today. Bank has been looking for the title for two weeks that the aforementioned state said they mailed two weeks ago. Tuesday, the bank works some type of magic and overnights documents to that state so I can get the tags and they can continue their title fight without holding me up.

Plan was to run to the BMV where the docs were overnighted, get the tags, overnight them to the driver, and head out myself. None of that happened.

Knowing that state like I do, I called before going to the BMV and was told that they did not know what I was talking about even though I was talking to the person that talked with my bank on Tuesday. She demanded the tracking number, carrier name, who sent it, and who signed for it. Contacted the bank, got the info and called the BMV back. Oh yes, we have it they said.

I arrive at the BMV. After 5 minutes looking for the docs they said they had, the process starts. Whoops says the lady, we can't issue the paperwork for tags since the power of attorney signed by my son-in-law shows my company as the purchaser. I said the company IS the purchaser. Seems that state is the only state that requires the purchaser to be a person not a company. Then, they issue another POA transferring the vehicle to the company. I seem to remember making a comment that I wasn't surprised that state is that stupid. Result: NO TAGS and I'm still stuck here.

Got a new POA showing me as the purchaser, and I will make the trip again later this morning for the second attempt. I am not very confident of success since it took three trips to get tags for the International.

To add insult to injury, literally, I get home and the shoulder is on fire for some reason. Called the doc to see if he had a brace or something that would help. He asked a bunch of questions, I told him about lifting the tire and he said I probably tore the scar tissue on the tendon. He recommended a brace that I had to order, and taking it easy for a few days to allow it scar over again. Great, I get to sit some more. I guess I'm not losing that much revenue since it's slow. It's just the principle of the thing. I do know that I WILL get those tags.

As I said, it's slow.

Sprinter #1


Sprinter #2


Sprinter #3

No Tags
Driver still sick.


Anonymous said...

Oh yea ... got to love the great state of oHIo.