Monday, January 21, 2008

Red Tape and Incompetence are Alive and Well in Ohio

My driver and I are at T/S near Toledo. I called THREE times last week and e-mailed TWICE that we were coming today for sign and QC instalation on the International. My driver beat me up here and asked the shop manager about it and he knew nothing. He called the recruiter and he said he knew nothing about it. Driver calls me while I was still on 23 coming north. Said the shop manager told him that they don't do fleet owner vehicles until Thursday given they have orientation Mon to Wed.

I called the recruiter and melted my cell phone battery. The paperwork is being completed in the morning, and the signs are going on then as well. To top it off the generator on the International is acting up. It wouldn't crank yesterday, and it cranked and started when I got here. It ran for 6 or 7 hours and stopped. Now it won't restart. It only has 470 some hours on it so it will most likely be under warranty, but there's the hassle of finding a dealer to fix it.

We headed over to a Speedco near here to get the oil changed on my Sprinter and the Idlebuster serviced. First, they don't have an oil filter for the Sprinter. Second, even though they are a Idlebuster service center, they had no idea what to do with mine. They didn't have all the filters and the mechanic was looking all over the bottom of the truck for it. When I told him to look up, he mumbled something and asked me how he was going to get up there. I said a ladder usually works. He gets up there and opens the panels and asks me where the fuel filter is. I told him to shut the panel and forget it. If he's asking me, I don't want him touching it.

Next we go to the nearby TA to at least have the Sprinter's oil changed. They are supposed to be a Freightliner service center, and they don't have the filter either. Guess I'll have to start carrying a filter with me.

So, to sum up. Accomplishments - 0% Frustration level - 100% Urge to go postal - 1000% The little things will drive you crazy. However, accomplishments tomorrow will be 100% Further delays are not an option.